tabitha House
Graphic Design Internship | International Missions Board Internship | Summer 2021
Problem to Solve
Inspect a logo for a non-profit called Tabitha House located in Johannesburg, South Africa and come up with a new logo for the program to present to the board. The goal of this rebranding was to attract both people in the community to help as well as create a reputable image to appeal to potential investors. The goal of this project was to create a professional and regionally appropriate branding.
Upon viewing the original logo I came up with a variety of sketches and marks and after refining a variety of my favorite sketches, I transitioned them to digital work in Adobe Illustrator. I wanted my design to be modern but most importantly pay respect to the previous design by taking elements and concepts and applying them to the new logo. I wanted there to be an obvious evolution of the logo design. Finally, I wanted the logo to be cost effective to produce by keeping colors down to an absolute minimum.
A clean and modern logo to represent this non-profit and the work they are doing for their community. I presented this logo to the board and explained my design choices and reasoning. It was unanimous accepted by the board. You can see the good work being done by Tabitha House in their community at www.tabithahouse.co.za.
